Firstly I have to say a massive thank you to my wonderful sister-in-law, nurse Cheese. It has been absolutely brilliant having her here to look after us this week. The Cheeselets loved the games of UNO (even if you did cheat!!!!) We're really missing you (and the ironing basket isn't empty) LOVE YOU x
Nurse Cheese came with me to have my hair cut yesterday and what a weird old day it turned out to be. Looking at all my hair on the floor was sad. Just to think if we'd scooped it all up I could have had a lovely wig made. Such a waste. My new haircut looks a little like Dannii Minogue's but without the aussie accent and botox. I actually really like it. Maybe I'll grow it back to this style???? Thanks Natasha, you made it look fab! It's odd knowing it's only temporary, it'll be gone in few weeks (and I'll try not to cry).
The next stop on our grand day out was a wig shop near Kensington High street. Chosing a wig which isn't a fashion accessory but something that will enable me to carry on with my life was very emotional. Looking at all the spooky mannequins on the shelf staring back at us was at first frightening, then funny. The lady was very helpful and I sat down with my head sock on ready to try my new hairstyles. You have to try what's out on the shelf and if you decide on that style then they go find it in the right colour. We were trying not to laugh out loud as I tried the blond one on. I looked like Paul/Pauline Calf........... dead sophisticated Julie! One made me look like my large haired eldest. That was just too weird. I've decided on one that's just like my old long hair but it looks just like 'I've just stepped out of a salon'. There was a man buying a wig at the same time as I was trying on. I couldn't quite make out if he'd bought the 'Jemima' or the 'Sapphire'.............
We went to Harrods for a 'try on' too. Considering they are THE world's most famous store, they were a bit short on staff in the old wig shop. We left after poking fun at some hideous slippers in the men's dept.
I bought a new headscarf too. I tried it on today and went to visit Mr & Mrs Bowen. I showed them what I'd look like with it on and asked if they'd also like me to read their palms. Might take some getting used to!!!!!!!! Cross my palm with silver x