Wednesday 30 June 2010

tHaNk yOu ♥

Mr postie had a job posting all of these lovely cards through the letterbox. Thank you dear lovely chums at M&S. You made my day and made me smile and cry. It was a wonderful sight seeing them all on the floor. I miss you all so much. The tea making (or not eh Wozza?), the banter, the swearing (Brazel), the fun and chat. Hell, I even miss the odd swing tag and label design (are you on the case Mr Jerem?) I'll be home soon, keep my desk warm Juicey. xxxxxxxxxx


  1. Nice to see Cow Roast made an appearance. Lovely. Hope you are a little brighter Mrs C. xx

  2. What a lovely selection for a lovely lady! Keep going my lovely, and stay strong for just a bit longer. Lots of love xxxx
