Sunday, 12 June 2011

sacre bleu!

I'm contacting French customs as my lovely son has been
replaced by
a blinged up boy!
He came back with a WHITE baseball cap,
a watch the size of BIG BEN,

a MASSIVE silver peace medallion,
a gelled up mohican, NO voice,
ONE bar of choc and
several autographs
(including one on his arm)from the FOO FIGHTERS,
who were on
their way to the Isle of Wight
(jealous auntie Jackie?) and a plectrum!
School trips were never this exciting when I was twelve!!!!
I missed him so much as it was soooooooo quiet but have no fear
normal service has resumed and bickering and general bish bash boshing
once again fills the house!


  1. Fantastic! I remember being given a disgusting coconut marshmallow cake thing from Copelands Bakery in Scarborough on one school trip. It melted in my coat pocket and my Mum was furious. Didn't bump into any famous bands on the coach trip there and back either. Times have changed!

  2. wow I want to go on a school trip! :-)

  3. he met the foofighters! he will be telling that story for the rest of his life! How brilliant. amazing how quickly life gets back to normal! ha ha

  4. Wow, fancy meeting the Foo Fighters on a school trip - cool! The clothes gear sounds like a typical French teen makeover - I always think French teens look rubbish, clothes-wise, then they suddenly morph into elegantly dressed adults! Abby x

  5. He's not happy as the autographed arm has been washed and the signature has faded!
    I went to Chester Zoo on my school trip and the highlight was the waving polar bear.......

  6. Oh gosh, I've got all this to come ...

    Hey Cheesy, I hope you don't mind but I've nominated you for an award! M x
