Friday, 27 May 2011

percy pig lollies - super tweet

M&S launched Percy Pig ice lollies last week and they've
proved so popular amongst Percy fans that it has hit
number 2 in the 'trending' posts on twitter!

At it's launch last week M&S announced:
'Percy Pig fans everywhere rejoice! We've created the Percy ice cream!'

So when the weather gets hot hot hot
reach for a cool Percy lolly.......

YUMMY! (and not for the kids!)
marks and spencer


  1. oh I love Percy Pigs...I'm gonna buy some and hide them :-)

  2. Oo Yum, me too, especially the fizzy pig tails!

  3. in the interests of consumer research the cheeselets and I have conducted a taste testing......
    It's a BIG Thumbs up from myself and my large haired eldest.
    Fluffy youngest donated hers to her dad
    She prefers the sour colin the caterpillar lollies.
    Yep I think we'll buy some more......I just need to be extra sure!

  4. This is just TOOOO exciting!! I have told my best friend and it was as much as we could do not to drop everything and run to M & S to buy some!! :)

  5. OOOOh! I'm always the last to know! I first illustrated Percy 15 yrs ago. The lolly pack design has been created from a style guide I created a while ago. I spotted the pack recently but didn't know about any of this. It's all very funny. I was just stopping by your blog. You have so many interesting things to look at. will be back!!
