Tuesday, 16 March 2010


It was all I could do not to cry out loud as I was given my bag of notes........there was NO turning back now. After the 'go-ahead' from the oncologist, we had a long 3 hour wait whilst they brewed my poison.
When I was called through to the treatment room I had to take several deep breaths as I could feel my heartbeat in my mouth. I chose a reclining chair near the sunny window and settled down for my 4 hour ordeal.
I chose to wear the ice cap for the first 3 treatments of FEC but won't bother wearing it for the 3 taxitere treatments as these are very toxic and nothing good will be saved. The ice cap is -4 degrees and was agony. I had to wear it for nearly 4 hours and was wrapped in a blanket to stay warm. When I removed it, my hair was brittle and full of icicles. I received 3 bags of chemo and a cocktail of anti-sickness drugs and steroids to lessen the effects of the toxic chemicals.
We got home at 6.30pm and I then threw up for Wales. No-one said it would happen so quickly. It was like the worst food poisoning I've ever had. Fat lot of good those anti-sickness pills were then!!!!!!! Am now sitting here waiting for the REAL feeling of sickness to kick in. Please, if there is a God, make it painless and quick!
One treatment down and 5 to go! The countdown to the beginning of July has begun....................

Thank you everyone for your lovely messages, it helps so much xxxxxx


  1. As ever, with you through this Mrs C...Be brave.

  2. I was really glad to be able to give you a hug this morning. Loads more on their way...

  3. Sending you gentlest but biggest virtual hug xxxx

  4. I've only just started reading your blog, but that doesn't make my good wishes any less real - keep being brave, my thoughts are with you.


  5. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I've been so tired today and have tried to sleep off the feeling of nausea. Apparently the next few days will be the worse! Oh crikey let's hope daytime tv and a comfy sofa helps xxxxxx

  6. oh my beautiful welsh lovely, we're thinking of you lots here, hoping the day time tv and comfy sofa will help, maybe a guinness for st paddy's day might help? i believe it's medicinal....love you xxxxxx

  7. LOTS of love and hugs, my love. This is the beginning of getting better, it just disguises itself well!
    Hope you're up to date on Neighbours and Home and Away. I've been forcing myself to watch them daily- purely as support for you obviously! A little bit of Oz nonsense always helps! xx

  8. Unfortunately I'm still hooked on Phil & Holly, haven't made the switch to the Aussie nonsense yet. Mrs Mills is trying to get me to watch Doctors......still to press the remote on that one.
    2 pieces of toast this morning. This is a big deal for me! Let's just see how it goes.

  9. Neighbours 25 years old today. Doesn't that make you feel old!
