Ok so Mrs L saw fit to deliver another meal after seeing my plight. Think she got Nas to rustle something up to keep the wolves from the door (probably feeling guilty about the custard tart). We had the most amazing Fish pie (Mr Cheese had seconds again). We also had a fab bread and butter pudding AND a bottle of wine.
Do you think Waitrose were doing one of those M&S rip-off dine in for tenner meals and she just decanted into those foil containers? I've got the M on W detective on the case..........
A wonderful meal. Thanks Nas.
I object. Firstly Nas can't cook anything without noodles and secondly you didn't even mention the chocolate.
ReplyDeleteLadies I have to say Mrs Cheese is not what she was. My impression when I dropped my offerings with Nerys and Paul was both slovernly and unkempt. And so was Nerys.
I think we may have done them a disservice. Weightwatchers shakes only from now on please.
I recommend that from now on we provide only salads, fruit and weightwatchers shakes.
Well! I had made an effort before Mrs L came. I'd even taken my washing off the radiators and put my teeth in. The cheek of it! As for weightwatchers shakes......forget it! Bring on the lard.
Oops I thought the chocolate was a garnish. I grated it on top of the fish pie.......Eeeeee it were grand!